Monday, June 20, 2016


One of the delights of living in an established area is the old fashioned plants I see while en route. On my way to nearby Harbor Beach for breakfast I saw a fabulous row of mock oranges which reminded me of the bushes around Grandma Harding's back porch. The smell in the summer was amazing. I've planted several bushes up here; I'm enjoying their growth and the few blossoms that appear even though they are still very young. There's also the grandest Weigela bush I've ever seen along the road. I have a good sized Weigela bush that was a volunteer back in R.O. This year it should look nice - but not anywhere as nice as the one below.

For the first time one of my transplanted peony divisions bloomed. Again, I left the established plants back in R.O. and just took a small division. Peonies are not difficult to transplant despite rumors to the contrary.

Years ago I took a garden tour in B'ham/Bloomfield Hills and borrowed a poppy pod. I was hoping for more diversity in the seedlings but these 'mauve' flowers are lovely anyway.

Most digitalis (foxgloves) leave me less than enthusiastic; they are not long lived and are what I call picky eaters. However, my digitalis ambigua are amazing; they are survivors and self-sow. They only come in cream color but are lovely looking plants and the flowers are really nice. These are still in the bud stage but are attractive nonetheless.

Traffic is not a problem up here.
Main Street Harbor Beach

I've tried to photograph my sage flowers but blue seems to be a difficult color to get right. This one below comes close.

I love the annual Cleome - aka spider lilies although they are not even distantly related to lilies. I'm hoping this is a good "before" shot and the "after" shot will knock socks off. I stay away from annuals unless they self-sow and/or are spectacular. Time will tell.

I haven't had a real garden for years. The soil here sucks big time. Because of heavy equipment I wasn't able to plant until most of the work on the addition was completed - it's still not completely done but at least I finally got some seeds in the ground. With luck they won't have to be disturbed. Beans -yellow and green, Zucchini, also yellow and green, Swiss chard, winter squash, radishes to mark rows, broccoli, brussel sprouts, cabbages, carrots, tomatoes (of course) - time, again, will tell. At least they're up. Now we watch for rabbits, deer, etc.

Clicking on photos enlarges them.

Sunday, June 19, 2016

Hostas Viewed from Above

When I moved, I tried to get divisions from all of my Hostas, leaving behind the larger portions of each one. I knew that I would not be able to identify most of them by name. My naming clues back in Royal Oak relied on where they were and what plants were planted near them. I lost all of those 'clues'.

Does that make them less interesting - because I don't remember their names. Not at all. This is their "Leap" summer (Sleep, Creep, Leap). They are doing well here.

One of the interesting things about photographing plants from above is that you can see how leaves are arranged so as to reduce the amount of shade produced by uppermost leaves on their lower counterparts.

Look at the spruce sapling below. The young, light green needles (leaves) from this spring are not shaded by leaves, older or also young, above them.

I realize that photos taken from above are unusual, perhaps, but they do show off the plant. The Hostas are "in" the forest living with 'wild' plants. There are many more Hostas that I did not photograph because they are deeper in the woods. Can you name any of the Hostas below? Clicking on photos enlarges them.

I have found a few volunteer Hosta seedlings. It will be very interesting to see how they develop as they grow, if they survive and grow.

After the Rain

I heard yesterday on the news that the Metro area was low on rain; we've had much, much more rain up here which has resulted in lots of green.

Some of the photos below were taken from the side; others from above. The perspective can be confusing; it makes you work. Nevertheless, I am liking what plants look like viewed from above. Take a look at the Hostas in the next entry.

Can you identify any of the following plants? Clicking on the photos will enlarge them.