Friday, April 6, 2012


Here's Saga (Vinlands Saga).

Saga means "seeing one", and is charming, sociable and friendly.

The ancient sagas are stories about Scandinavian and Germanic history. They are about migrations to Iceland, early Viking voyages, the battles that took place, and of feuds between Icelandic families. They were written in the Old Norse language. "Saga" is a word originating from Old Norse and is related to the English word say. Its various meanings today are similar to 'something said' or 'a narrative', a 'story', a 'tale', or a 'history'.

Icelandic sagas take place in the period 930–1030 and are based on oral traditions. Today we believe these sagas were transmitted orally from generation to generation until scribes wrote them down between 1190 and 1320. The sagas describe a history of some of the Nordic countries, the British Isles, northern France, and North America. The tales of the voyages to America have been authenticated.

Saga is a tan shade female. We don't know what shade of tan she might eventually become and will have to wait many weeks before we know for sure. That's one of the many charms of Icelandics. You almost never know how they are going to turn out eventually. She could be any shade between light tan to dark red. She has double dewclaws and a black spot on one ear with an Odinn-split-face.

So, what is an Odinn split-face?

In the Norse religion, there are many gods in Asgard, the capital city of the gods surrounded by an incomplete wall. Odinn, the one eyed god, and his wife Frigg rule Asgard. Mimir was the wisest of all the gods in Asgard and guarded a magical well, named Mimir’s Well. Anyone who drinks the water from the well will gain the wisdom of Mimir.

Odin was willing to go to any lengths for a sip of water from Mimir’s Well. When he was offered a chance to drink water from the well in return for an eye, he didn’t hesitate. Odin sacrificed an eye and rejoiced as he drank the water of wisdom.

That is how he ended up not only being the wisest god in Asgard, but also the one-eyed god. Occasionally there are Icelandic sheepdogs born with color (black, tan, yellow, gray, brown) on one half of their face; the other half is white. They are not blind, of course, but because their face has two different colors, they are said to be Odinn-faced.

There are several spellings for the name Odinn. The oldest is Wodanaz. In Old English this became Wodan or Wodin. Odinn, Odin, Othin, etc. are also common spellings.

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