Friday, September 23, 2016

Autumn Arrives

Ten years ago this week I lost my best friend. David was an author, poet, soldier, WWII European theater vet, and my constant companion. No one knew me like he did and most of my good memories were his good memories too.  He always, always supported me during some very hard times when no one else was there for me. Soon after I lost him, within three months, I was diagnosed and underwent surgery. Losing both of my parents and David and then undergoing diagnosis and surgery were life altering events. My life now is completely different. Every day I miss them and want to talk with them.

I moved divisions of many of my Hosta to the new house before I actually moved up here permanently. The divisions have prospered and I've been adding to them with purchases from Eckert's, Telly's, and Klehm's. Klehm sends amazing plants and they arrive in great shape.

However, each season reminds me of how much I enjoy individual plants like the species (wild) Hosta above. All summer it produces a fountain of narrow leaves and, after fall arrives here, it flowers profusely. Most of my Hosta are hybrids and "sports" or mutations that have interesting leaf colors, patterns, widths, heights, flowering times, and flower colors. I do have a few old fashioned species and I treasure them because back when they were simply called "plantain lilies" they introduced me to the plant. One of the things I regret is that I didn't pay more attention to Pauline Banyai, a Royal Oak resident and Hosta genius who was at the Royal Oak Farmers' Market every weekend. She tried to arouse my interest long before there were so many varieties. I guess I was slow to 'get it'.  It's, of course, possible to Google her. (Clicking on photos enlarges them.)

Bryant Tillman - artist - has just finished a self portrait for me. I'm very excited; he's one of my favorite Detroit artists, a mostly undiscovered genius. I have several works by him already.

I have not heard from my contractor Daren Ives since last spring. Attempts to find out what's happening have failed even after I've contacted architect Brian Howard who did the plans for the sitting room. The room is virtually done but there are some minor details yet to be addressed, debris removed, and maybe bills to be paid. I'm perfectly happy to let the latter go but - - - - .

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