Saturday, November 7, 2020

Interior Construction Shots and A Visit

 Progress is slow and relatively steady. The guys come about twice a week and work hard while here. Clicking on photos will enlarge them. The drywall is mostly up but is still being "mudded" and sanded. The wall separating the laundry from the new office has been partially cut down leaving a "shelf" for me to put some tchokkies on. Maybe my blue glasses - so the cats can knock them off.

This birch tree looked great behind the pole barn. 
The leaves are gone now.

Tracy makes great bouquets - last flowers of the season

Tracy and Jon watching the ships pass before eating 
Farmers Market Breakfast in Port Huron

Tracy's pear and apple galette

Canada behind the ship
Could we swim the river we wondered

Gulls and Migrating Mergansers in my front yard

Absolutely the last dahlia this year
The tubers have been dug and stored now

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