Wednesday, December 2, 2020

First Snow

 My Christmas Camelia just started flowering - almost on cue. When things get bleak looking outside, indoor flowers take up the slack. I look for winter flowering plants with bright and nice smelling blooms.

Hopefully the end of construction is around the corner. For months I've been living with the expected, but nevertheless annoying, clutter and dust. I still can find stuff; I'll be glad when I can finally put stuff away.

This is one of those ships, empty now but often carrying the blades for the wind turbines was passing "under" the sun when a bird flew by. 

Yes, the first snow and it was a pretty heavy, wet one too. Still amazed by the beauty of fresh fallen snow. Here the snow stays white for a long time; in the city it turns gray then brown then black.

The primer is already on and today the paint goes on. Then it's furniture move in time.

Bear LOVES the cold weather and the ice and snow. Icelandic Sheepdogs! From Iceland. Born and raised in Norway/Sweden. He'll stay out for as long as I'll let him.

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