Wednesday, November 10, 2021

Four Weeks Old - November 10, 2021

The three Icelandic Sheepdog pups are working their magic. I want to keep them all - well, it's only three pups you know. Here are some four weeks old photos from this morning. Kappu loves to eat, nothing distracts him. He's a tub of love. His brother Sir Watson and his sister ABBA would rather interact with me, their mom, their older brother, the puppy pee pad, the Scotch tape, the bowl, the whelping step, the paper towel roll, a ball in fact with anything except the food. 

Kappu and ABBA

Kappu and Sir Watson

ABBA and Tryggur


ABBA gets her name from the Swedish pop group - her sire is the Swedish Icelandic Sheepdog bred by Lillemor Kullman, Kappu's name comes from his great grandfather - Isi Kappusino, and Watson's namesake is Sir Mark Watson who started the process to save this rare more than a thousand year old Icelandic breed from extinction.

Watson (partially hidden), Kappu, ABBA

I live alone with my dogs and cats so the responsibility for good photos falls entirely on me. At least half of my shots are blurry because, puppies move. Faster then I can. Often I'll get a good shot of one puppy but any other pup in the shot is blurry. Deal with it. I'm really lucky if I can get one focused shot of one puppy.

Watson and Tryggur

Watson, ABBA, Tryggur

Oops and Tryggur

They are now managing to actually pee on the puppy pee pad about 80/90% of the time. Yay pups! Kit so far lets only their older brother Tryggur visit. He loves watching them. They love his visits - especially ABBA.

Puppy Pile: ABBA, Watson, Kappu



Kappu and Watson

ABBA and Watson

ABBA, Watson with Trygg


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