Thursday, May 5, 2022

May 5, 2022

I'm in the middle of a messy spring house cleaning. Months, and perhaps even years of detritus and dust are being expunged from my home. When I look outside now, it actually feels like spring - even though barely a week ago we had, perhaps, two final(?) snowfalls. Yesterday I got a water bill from the burst pipes pole barn issue. One problem solved is quickly replaced by another. That's the story of everyone's lives I' pretty sure. The second snowfall was wet; clumps of snow stuck to bushes and trees resembling puffy white flowers. Hey, it looked rather pretty. For now migrating birds are returning and it seems like spring. I'll just take it one day at a time.

Carlo's birthday was this week. I wonder if I'll ever see him again. Erling is very ill - my thoughts are with them. I am grateful for FB. Why do we keep making super rich folks while there is so much hunger, desperation, and poverty. I hope after the anthropocene the next dominant species is more careful with environmental issues. NMP.

I found this Science News article interesting: -


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