Monday, February 20, 2023

Yard and Indoor Flowers

 Some early spring flowers are just starting to appear - I love my winter aconites; I wish they were more widely planted. An added plus? They self seed easily and you can scatter the seeds if you harvest them and spread them to all corners of your garden. They come long before crocuses whose flashier displays are known to everyone. Clicking on photos will enlarge them.

Winter Aconite

I have other Hellebores but this species flowers earlier than they do. The buds are hidden at the top of each plant and open soon. The flowers are "only" light green but still very pretty. They also are very winter hardy and also spread easily naturally or by strewing the seed by hand when mature.


I honestly don't know the reason why my indoor orange flowers are flowering together now but they are flashy; their bright happiness much needed at this time of the year.



Morning Sunrises over Lake Huron

Perhaps the orange in the sky prompts the orange flowers, entices them to come now?

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