Sunday, February 22, 2015

Choosing Puppies

In dogs we call personality "temperament" and their temperaments don't become apparent until they are several weeks old. Even then I doubt that one could be sure what a puppy will be like when it's an adult.

I try to match a puppy with an appropriate home - which is not always easy. If there's a puppy someone especially likes, I try to accommodate that choice.

I also do not reserve a puppy until I have an idea what it will be like later.

I ask people who want a puppy to fill out an application in an attempt to get a feel for what kind of dog they would like to have join their family. I am always excited and a bit nervous when people ask me for an application. Those of us who breed puppies actually fall in love with from the moment they are born and it's hard to let them go.

Skotta and Korpur
Applications can be had by asking me through my email:

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