Thursday, December 30, 2021

Vinlands Wodin

 I just got a wonderful note and a photo from Imelda and Steve and their Icelandic Sheepdog Vinlands Wodin. Wodin is the son of Foothills Laki and Vinlands Totty. Clicking on photos will enlarge them.

Haven't looked at your blog so hope you and your canine friends are still doing well. Gardening this year was terrible - driest July in memory + wettest November in memory! Cool plants did OK - fruit was up and down - no apples, but lots of pears and greengages. I bought some "top soil" - spread it liberally only to discover 6 weeks later it was mostly a bark mulch mixture and way too acidic for veggies. Now I have to figure out how to rectify the problem.

Vinlands Wodin

Steve celebrated his 90th in summer so we could all be outside. Luckily our area was not a Covid hotspot. Now we have had our 3 vaccines so feel less stressed in this current wave. 


Wodin keeps well + fit. Loves runs/walks, playtimes + + and is such a joy.

Imelda and Steve

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