Wednesday, April 19, 2023

April in MIchigan

 The weather in Michigan's Thumb changes precipitously from one day to the next: 80 degrees F one day and below freezing the next. Kind of sadly, we're used to it. Scattered groups of daffodils have started their annual progression from earlier flowering varieties to the later flowering ones.

"My" frog, well one of them anyway, was sunning itself  on the rock the other day after a long winter of hibernating at the shallow bottom of my wee pond. 

Many migrating birds have returned and have begun looking for mates and nesting sites. I've seen turkey vultures, tree swallows, several species of migrating sparrows. Male American goldfinches are completing their coloring changes and are looking for partners. The territories of three pairs of breeding cardinals are overlapping at my bird feeders. 

My extremely slow growing "white forsythia" Abeliophyllum distichum with its  intense fragrance is flowering and I hope that this year it will be a better year for growing. Even back in slightly warmer Royal Oak it was a picky eater. This plant is a clone of the one I had there that eventually grew to a nice size and had hundreds of flowers each spring, slightly earlier than its distant cousin the yellow forsythias.

Working on the deck has finished and there's now a nice section of seal wall, aka breakwater, finished. 

Even though I've been down, It's still nice time of year. 

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