Thursday, April 13, 2023

Spring 2023

 The Icelandic Sheepdogs are enjoying the warmer weather, yard, and flowers. 

Icelandic Sheepdog Tryggur

Icelandic Sheepdogs ABBA and Sir Watson

Icelandic Sheepdogs ABBA and Sir Watson

Icelandic Sheepdog Sir Watson

Icelandic Sheepdog Sir Watson

Icelandic Sheepdog Sir Watson

Icelandic Sheepdog Sir Watson

Skeleton of a Leaf

The Hellebores are open now. They are hardy plants but take several years to get established. Worth the wait though! The first shot is of a rare but self-seeding Hellebore. Although the flowers are "just" yellow-green, it is very hardy here and self-seeds easily. The leaves are deeply dissected and attractive too. There must be more than a dozen seedlings coming up around the yard and they are dog-indestructable. Plants have to be tough and able to survive my dogs if they are to endure here.

This Daphne is a very easy one to grow. I've broadcasted the fruits when they're ripe and they self-start. The young plants stay "hidden" for about three or four years before they start announcing their arrival by flowering; it's worth the wait. There are about a dozen of them scattered around. They do smell nice but because they're close to the ground and I'm old, I don't sniff them out!

Siberian Squill


Cornus mas

Spring Flowering Colchicum

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