Monday, January 11, 2021

Icelandic Sheepdog Puppies - Vinlands

 Monday, January 11, 2021 

(last night)

The Icy puppies are not even three weeks old, that "birthday" happens Wednesday morning, but they are starting to play with one another, growl a bit, and even bark a little. Yes, Icelandic Sheepdogs are all around good farm dogs and herding dogs; as we all know, one way that herding dogs move their "herd" is to bark at them. That barking has been bred into our dogs for, at the very least, a thousand years so you are never going to be able to eliminate it. Proper training from the earliest age can reduce the amount and length of barking. Eliminate it. Nope. If you want a dog that doesn't bark? Try a Basenji.

Mt dogs warn me about the evil deer, squirrels, rabbits, crows, eagles, hawks, the USPS, UPS, and FedEx trucks that dare come onto our property. Sigh. Well, I'm glad. Lemons - lemonade. And I reward them for doing their "job". and then they stop barking. Truly.

Katur. Kit, Birna

Birna, Katur, Kria

Birna, Katur, Kria

If you want a dog that wants to follow you around and be with you - always, whatever you're doing. Just be with you. That is an Icy. They crave human companionship. (Logically you will become their "herd".) Do you want to go for walks? With a dog? Icies are perfect. However, if you want to stay home and read, or cook, or knit, or watch TV and want a four legged companion? Icies! All they really want is to be with you whatever you're doing. They will be just as happy going for a walk as sitting by your easy chair. (BUT - you must not over walk or run with any puppy of any breed or encourage them or let them do a lot of jumping - up and down on the bed or a chair until they are full grown. Excessive exercise can potentially damage their growing bones.)

Vinlands Katur

Ka - as in Karate; tur - as in tour - like a tour bus

Vinlands Katur

Vinlands Katur

Vinlands Katur (mom Kit)

Vinlands Katur (Birna behnd)

Vinlands Katur

Vinlands Katur (Birna)

Vinlands Katur (Birna)

They are beginning to show differences in temperament (personality). They are all adorable pups now and impossible to resist. They all want to be held and petted and talked to.

Vinlands Kria

Kri - as in create; a - as in uh

Vinlands Kria

Vinlands Kria

Vinlands Kria

Vinlands Kria

I have found over the years that there usually is one puppy in every litter that is a camera hog - the Kim Kardashian of the Icelandic Sheepdog litter-world, sort of. That puppy seems to always be in almost every photo (is that photo bombing?) and, conversely, one puppy that seems to be camera shy. 

Vinlands Hvitabirna

"H" - silent, "v" - w sound, hvita - wheat, a - uh, wheat-uh; 

birna - bi - as in bee (the insect), r - are, na - nuh

(Wheat-uh, Bee-are-nuh)

Vinlands Hvitabirna

Vinlands Hvitabirna

Vinlands Hvitabirna

Katur, Kit, Vinlands Hvitabirna

It's too soon to tell what length fur (long, medium, short) the pups will have. It's so much fun to watch them grow and change and show traits as they develop.

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