Monday, January 4, 2021

Icelandic Sheepdog Pups - January 4, 2021

 The new year dawned with a beautiful sunrise and gave me hope: - 

Clicking on photos will enlarge them.

Even the above Hairy Woodpecker (probably), stunned at first by slamming into one of my windows, and resting on my west porch, soon recovered and flew away - Auspicious.

It's still too early to get good photos of the puppies. (You really need two people to get the job done right.) Their eyes have opened now and they are moving around more. Mom is doing a great job for her ever hungry pups. Katur, Kria and Birna are gaining weight and resisting my daily weighing routine. I may switch to once a week and just resort to handling them. More enjoyable for them and for me. I'm avoiding bright lights until their eyes are more mature.

Kria, Birna, Katur

Kria, Birna, Katur

I would say I'm used to being home alone now because of Covid, but it's still lonely here. I cook, eat, read, knit, take care of the adult dogs and the pups, watch Amazon Prime movies, watch recorded TV shows, avoid too much political news . . .  I've banned the construction workers for the time being because of the Kit and the pups. The pups came earlier than expected but really "on time". Kit's seasons are short and she was ready. Now that she's proven she is a good mom, I might use Smari's frozen semen on her for the next litter. Regardless, I'm looking forward to some Smari pups this year.

Lake Huron hasn't frozen over yet and it may or may not happen. The water levels do seem to be lower and moving in that direction. If that does happen, I'm sure everyone will be very, very happy. There are some theories about why the water levels of the  Great Lakes vary so much over the years. I would really like to know not that there's anything anyone could do about it. 

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