Wednesday, January 13, 2021

Vinlands Icelandic Sheepdog Puppies

 I've been expecting, hoping to be called for my Covid vaccination but nothing so far. I live in Michigan's largest county (Sanilac) but we have a very small population. So far, I assume, few vaccines have been sent to our county health department - or perhaps too few so we've only had enough for health care workers and first responders. They told us last week that more would be coming "soon" for us oldsters. I suspect that we've been put on some naughty list.


Today was the pups three week "anniversary" of their birth. I had errands to do and put off taking photos of them until just now. They started eating softened kibble today - not much, just enough to see if there was interest. And there was. Interest. Lots of interest. They are also moving around more now. Katur even managed to get out of the whelping box. I told him it was way too early, too soon, for that. He disagreed. Time to strategize. 

The photos are not good but I wanted at least one shot of each pup. Trying to photograph puppies is like trying to photograph the wind. I compromised and held each one. After a few seconds they even wiggled in  my hand suspended in the air. Clicking on photos will enlarge them.

Katur - looks like he'll have a nice "mask"

Kria - vocal Kria - she warbles, barks, growls

Birna - sweet, innocent, black nosed polar bear

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