Monday, July 24, 2023

Lexington, Michigan Garden Walk 2023

 The Lexington, Michigan Garden walk was an amazing showcase of a wide variety of different types of gardens on the shores of one of the Great Lakes surrounding Michigan - Lake Huron. I thought my garden was nice. Uh uh. I have a garden with weeds and perennial and biennial garden plants and shrubs mixed together, a diverse country cottage garden - I tell myself. These were spectacular weed free, well maintained gardens overseen by a wonderful diverse group of gardeners. Thank you for letting us visit.

I got off to a really bad and late start so I wasn't expecting much. I was pleasantly surprised. The perfect weather was sandwiched in between two big storms. Because I got off on the wrong foot time management wise, I took no photos. I'm sorry.

Here's a screen shot of a wolf (first two) and then two shots of our Sam. Please note the similarities of coloring, ears, eyes, etc. They could have been related, in fact, of course, domestic dogs are descended from wolf ancestors. Roni and I are grateful to Wendy and Tom for sharing Sam with us. (Clicking on photos will enlarge them.)

Appropriately perhaps, a recent moon shot. (Wolves howling at the moon?) My camera is not a great one but then I'm only an amateur photographer.

I realize that I've said this before: - regardless, my current currant bushes are several generations of taking cuttings from bushes I've grown everywhere I've lived for virtually my entire life. The original bushes came from my Aunt Jean and Uncle Frank. Sooner or later, usually later, they've all gotten big enough to produce fruit and, with luck enough fruit to make current pies, which are my favorite kind of pie bar none. This year I had enough to make four pies but, alas, no one appreciates them I think. I did make two pies and froze them, and some current jelly (It's still warm, I hope it "sets",  - turns from liquid to jelly.) Currents are definitely an old fashioned fruit. Hmm. Pun intended? Picking the berries is hard work, de-stemming them for pies is also hard and time consuming. The pies are a real labor of love. I do it to remember Aunt Jean who supported me when I needed it - but did not fully understand or fully appreciate her support at the time. Aunt Jean and Aunt Kit and my Grandma Hansen were my real family. 

Some newer flower shots.

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