Saturday, July 1, 2023

Half-Way Through the Year

Fires in Canada this summer have brought about three weeks of high level, smoky, cloudy skies. I don't actually smell the smoke but it doies stick in the back of my throat. Clicking on photos will enlarge them.

This male wild turkey was trying to impress his mate and probably didn't appreciate my photo taking. His tail did go all the way up but I couldn't actually get a nice shot of it.

I clean my wren houses every spring. I love their song. In order for them to take over a house, the hole must be small enough to prevent English sparrows from moving in. I usually get several nests each summer.  This is the first year a pair have used this house currently hanging in my cherry tree. I grow fruit trees for cedar waxwings; this year the crows have been dining on the ripening cherries.

Flickers create a new nest hole every year and only use it that year. Subsequent years other residents take advantage of their old homes. I always leave the trunks of dead trees standing for insects and animals to use the way they would in a "real" forest. This year's nest hole was right outside my bedroom so we've had an interesting summer. Flickers are fond of ants which they find in the yard but also in dead trees.



Sam and Roni

Sam and Roni

Sam and Roni

Sam and Roni


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