Monday, June 23, 2008

Vinlands Totty

Totty is the first puppy of my own breeding that I've kept. Although I wanted to find a really nice breeding home for her, in the end I decided that she was too amazing to let go. Only time will tell if she lives up to her early promise. She has a great tail curl and nice double dews on both rear legs. It looks like she will have the shorter fur, medium-length. I thought when she was a puppy that she would have long fur like her sire.

Kappu is showing her how to hunt for food in this photo. The word is out that I don't feed enough and they have to forage in order to survive. Not true! Here they are stalking the tasty but elusive Pulmonaria.

She has already started Puppy Kindergarten class and is doing very well. We're still working on housebreaking and barking but have made very good progress. She has challenged Huld for Alpha dog status, and been put in her place more than once!

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