Sunday, June 28, 2009

BREED STANDARD 1905 - Iceland Dog

BREED STANDARD 1905 - Iceland Dog

General Appearance: A light built dog, with a game temperament.
Head: Rather large in proportion to the body.
Skull: Broad and domed.
Muzzle: Rather short and snippy; stop nearly not defined.
Nose: Black.
Lips: Short and well closed.
Ears: Large at the base, triangular in shape, pointed and erect.
Eyes: Small and round; dark in colour with a lively expression.
Neck: Short, strong and slightly arched, carrying the head high.
Shoulders: Straight, not sloping.
Chest: Large and deep.
Back: Rather short.
Belly: Drawn up.
Body: Rather shelly.
Legs: Clean, straight and muscular; stifles not too bent.
Feet: Long. Toes arched and longish, nails black or dark coloured; pades well-developed.
Tail: Of moderate length, very bushy and carried curled over the back.
Coat: Hard, of medium length, longer round the neck, on the thighs and at the underside of the tail. The coat is flat on the body and is short on the head and the legs; fore-legs without feather.
Colour: Brownish or grayish, sometimes dirty white or dirty yellow. A usual colour is: back black, underside of the body, feet, underside and tip of the tail and neck, dirty white.
Height at Shoulder (joint): From 10 to 14 inches.
Weight: About 45 pounds

Page 598, “Dogs of All Nations”, Count Henry De Bylandt, 1905, London

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