Sunday, June 28, 2009



The Icelandic Dog (also known as the Icelandic Sheepdog)

General Appearance: A Spitz type of slightly under middle size, lightly built, with a game temperament.
Head: Light, rather broad between the ears.
Skull: Broad and domed.
Muzzle: Rather shorter than long; stop marked but not sharp.
Nose: Black.
Lips: Short and tight.
Ears: Large at the base, triangular in shape, pointed and erect.
Eyes: Small and round; dark in color with a lively expression.
Neck: Short, strong and slightly arched, carrying the head high.
Shoulders: Straight, not sloping.
Chest: Large and deep.
Belly: Drawn up.
Body: Strong and rather short but light.
Legs: Clean, straight and muscular; stifles not too bent.
Feet: Oval, pads well-developed.
Tail: Of moderate length, very bushy and carried curled over the back.
Coat: Hard, of medium length, longer round the neck, on the thighs and at the underside of the tail. The coat is flat on the body and is short on the head and the legs; fore-legs without feather.
Color: White with fawn markings, golden, light fawn with black tips to long hairs, and occasionally all black.
Height: From 15 to 18 inches.
Weight: About 30 pounds

Revised Standard of Points 1956

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