Sunday, June 19, 2016

Hostas Viewed from Above

When I moved, I tried to get divisions from all of my Hostas, leaving behind the larger portions of each one. I knew that I would not be able to identify most of them by name. My naming clues back in Royal Oak relied on where they were and what plants were planted near them. I lost all of those 'clues'.

Does that make them less interesting - because I don't remember their names. Not at all. This is their "Leap" summer (Sleep, Creep, Leap). They are doing well here.

One of the interesting things about photographing plants from above is that you can see how leaves are arranged so as to reduce the amount of shade produced by uppermost leaves on their lower counterparts.

Look at the spruce sapling below. The young, light green needles (leaves) from this spring are not shaded by leaves, older or also young, above them.

I realize that photos taken from above are unusual, perhaps, but they do show off the plant. The Hostas are "in" the forest living with 'wild' plants. There are many more Hostas that I did not photograph because they are deeper in the woods. Can you name any of the Hostas below? Clicking on photos enlarges them.

I have found a few volunteer Hosta seedlings. It will be very interesting to see how they develop as they grow, if they survive and grow.

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