Thursday, October 26, 2017

First Fall Frost - Thursday, October 26, 2017

Although the front yard was perfectly OK, the yard between the house and the pole barn had frost this morning and looked really nice.

Looking east as the sun is setting behind me can be almost as lovely as looking west.  My sunsets here are mostly hidden from view by the forest. I don't mind. This was last night before the frost. Clicking on photos enlarges them.

This volunteer hardy ageratum, Eupatorium, came up amid some volunteer heritage tomato plants which grew where I threw some rotting tomatoes last fall. They did so well in that spot that I'll leave some of their fruits there now for next year and hope.

The goldfinches are still enjoying the perennial wild sunflower seeds. I'm hoping they'll scatter some of the seeds like they've been doing with the cup plants, Silphium perfoliatum, gorgeous 7 feet tall perennial prairie plants that also produce small sunflower-like blooms in late summer. Bees, moths, butterflies (even Monarchs), and hummingbirds love the cup plant flowers. The volunteer cup plants have been coming up in a wild flower garden but so far they've only been 4 feet tall. Maybe next year!

Sunrise this morning.

Kit in an extremely rare quiet moment. Helga always said that trying to take a photo of a puppy, especially an Icelandic, is like trying to capture the wind. Too true. I get lots of photos of her, virtually all of them are bad.

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