Monday, July 11, 2011

7/11/11 (a)


We've had a heat wave lately but today came a light rain and a break, albeit a short one,in the weather.

So we went out in the yard to enjoy some new path-work from the deck and from my bedroom, aka, euphemistically, the entertainment room! ;o)

Just to be clear, that puny little "fence" does not keep the dogs out of the garden. The yard is theirs and they allow me to share it. All of my plants have proven themselves to be dog-tolerant. The dog in-tolerant plants are extinct!! That's one of my rules: - You have to be tough to survive in this yard. The screen over the pond in a later photo is also fairly ineffective. Toads, frogs, damselflies, dragonflies, and, of course, the dogs all come and go at will. I keep fresh water in the dog bowl but they all prefer the flavor of the pond water and the water in trays under the bonsai. It just tastes better they say. They also enjoy the fish food when I feed my goldfish - yup, no koi.

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