Tuesday, July 18, 2017

- - - - served cold - Tuesday, July 18, 2017

Curioser and curioser . . . . .

I went to my lawyer today to update my trust because it has been quite a while since I've done that. We made the necessary changes and the revisions will be sent to me after the Port Huron to Mackinaw Sailboat race this coming weekend. My lawyer's boat is entered, I have its name, its category, the start time, etc. so I'll be able to watch as he goes by my home. What fun!! As always, clicking on photos enlarges them.


Speaking of my lawyer and wills, estates, taxes, etc. - no sooner had I left his Sandusky office and gotten into my car to drive home when I got a text about a rumor, well, actually more than just one rumor.


I have chosen successor trustees who know how much I love and depend on my animals, dogs and cats.They feel the same about their animals as I do about mine. If necessary, they will find loving and caring homes for my best friends; each animal gets a bequest (money) to provide for its care after I'm gone. The money for the animal's health and well being goes to the people who will adopt and care my animals. I am positive my friends will do that for me, they are animal lovers like me. I may outlive some of the animals in my current pack - I hope that I will never be without animals in my life. Where else can one get unconditional love? Parents are supposed to love their kids unconditionally; most do.


I don't understand the evilness of some people. There are, apparently, according to the text I received, rumors that my pets are to be put down after I pass. Who, I mean WHO would start such horrible, horrific rumors AND what business is it of anyone's what my financial and testamentary plans are - alive or dead. What kind of sicko would start something like that and, just as important, what kind of person passes that along without, I say WITHOUT, asking me - not that it's really any of anyone's business. My friends know. My lawyer knows. The rumor mongers. WHY!? Does it make them feel powerful. Do they really need to put others down in order to elevate themselves?


Perhaps that's why I haven't heard from several folks in a long time - perhaps they believe the rumors. That explains things. I could go on but will stop there with that one.


There's another one though.

This one says that no one should breed to my Kit because she has bad teeth. For anyone reading: - Kit was returned to me about a year ago. She had not been paid for. I accepted her back and she has become one of my family now. Initially I wasn't going to breed her. But as she got over her shyness and fear and as I grew to love her, I decided that if I could find the right male, I would breed her at least once.


So gradually I started getting the necessaries done in order to possibly breed her. I got her eyes CERFed and her PennHIP hip test done and she passed both tests. The CERF was done at a show in NOVI. Dr. Wm. Schultz in East Lansing did the PennHIP. When I picked up Kit he said that he had a look at her teeth while she was anesthetized. I did not ask him to do that and I did not think of doing that but he did it and I'm now very, VERY glad he did. Those of you who know Dr. Schultz appreciate all he does. He spontaneously told me that there was nothing wrong with her teeth. The upper and lower teeth are close but good. I trust him. I know others do as well. I know there are dogs out there with missing teeth. I realize that there are dogs with overbites and underbites (probably not the correct terms). Kit is not one of them.


That probably explains why some people have not even responded to me when I've asked them if they might be interested in letting me use one of their males for stud service with Kit. They could have asked. I would have told them exactly what I just wrote above. They apparently decided to accept the rumor.

Sunset - Peace, perfect peace!

There is, I suppose, nothing that can be done to stop the evil of rumors once they've been started.

I recently heard a story on one of the BBC productions about rumors. It went something like this: - A boy asked someone how to stop a rumor. The person told him to take a pillow out onto the football (soccer) field, open the pillow case up, dump the feathers out, and leave the field. Then return to the field, gather up the feathers, and put them all back in the pillow case. It's as hard to fix a rumor as it would be to re-stuff the pillow case with all the feathers.

I was recently misquoted. Here's one of my many aphorisms: "We all do better when we all do better." We, in an ideal world, should all help one another. We all have a very short time on our world and we are all on it together. We will all be gone in 100 years. For this incredibly short time shouldn't we try to help one another.

I'm adding recent photos to soften this a bit, maybe. Sorry for the rant.

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