Monday, June 24, 2019

Garden Shots

I'm a little afraid to say it. It looks like summer might finally, at long last, have arrived. An old favorite, old fashioned Ranunculus rescued from between two buildings in downtown Port Sanilac a few years ago. It has since disappeared from that location. It's not exactly my mission or my obsession to save old garden plants but I do like doing it. Clicking on photos will enlarge them.

Two favorite Irises, also rescues. The old ones have lovely old fashioned scents. Have they bred that out of the modern varieties in favor of larger, more showy flowers, I wonder.

This Iris was growing in a roadside gully or ditch, Was it planted? Perhaps. Or perhaps when the ditch was enlarged and improved maybe a plant was moved along with soil. Regardless, It's in a cool location now.

This great Baptisia has dark purplish buds that open into lovely yellow flowers. The stems are strong and remain upright after the flowers are spent a fact with endears them to me.

Have my Rhododendrons finally established themselves. It's beginning to look like they have settled in for the long haul at last.

I'm kind of surprised that I continue to find barn quilts. 
Here are a couple more.

And, of course, ships.

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