Saturday, September 18, 2021

Saturday, September 18, 2021

A lifetime ago I visited my cousin Carlo in Denmark. He showed me the site where his Grandmother Marie and her sister, my Grandmother Lise (Elisabeth), were born and raised. The apple tree to my right was near the home they shared. I suspect this newer growth came from suckers from the original tree. Nearby was a prune-plum tree. From the roots of that tree Carlo planted a tree at his home. The photo below shows some plums from that tree. The photo reminds me of the unconditional love and support from my Grandma and two of my aunts.

1966 - Grandma's Apple tree, and me

Carlo's Prune-Plums 2021

From Sally and Daniel: - 
Thought you might enjoy some recent photos of Birna…enjoying an outdoor cafe; playing with one of her (many) toys; and taking a walk, lakeside.

As you can see, she has adapted beautifully to both city and country life. We love her. She is great fun-smart, sweet, and a real cuddler. Timber remains clearly in charge, by the way.

Hope all is well with you and your ‘pack’!

Sally and Birna

Vinlands Birna

Vinlands Birna

Two of several pond bullfrogs


Colchicums and late phlox

Mixed bouquet

Autumn Clematis

Perennial Wild Species Sunflowers

Species Sunflowers

Species Sunflowers

Arbor vitae seed cones

Arbor vitae seed cones

I Ching & Violet

I Ching

Daniel, Veronica, and Vinlands Ulfbehrta Kit*

*I've been thinking that Kit could have another litter. I have some stored frozen semen from Ullalvas Smari (Ullälvas Smári) - INTUCH, NORDUCH, SUCH, LUXUCH, DKUCH, NUCH, FINUCH, SV-00, SV-01 EUW-01 that I could use with Kit. As you can see he is a true International Champion (first title) and had also earned Championship titles in several European countries including: - Norway, Sweden, Luxembourg, Denmark, Netherlands, Finland as well as the prestigious International title. I've calculated the inbreeding score for them at 0% - which is great. That means that there are no repeated ancestors as far back as five generations. Here are some photos of him: - 

Ullalvas Smari

Ullalvas Smari

Ullalvas Smari
(Clicking on photos and the pedigree below may enlarge them.)

Clicking on photos will enlarge them.

I'm wondering if anyone thinks I should go ahead with the cross? (

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