Thursday, September 30, 2021

Smari - Ullälvas Smári

 Icelandic Sheepdog Smari now has his frozen semen available in the US. Not only was he an International Champion in Europe but he was also a Norwegian Champion, a Swedish Champion, a Netherlands Champion, and a Finnish Champion. Smari was bred by the late Lillemor Kullman. Here are some photos of him and as many of his ancestors as I could find. The further back you go, the harder it is to find good photos. Clicking on photos may enlarge them.

Ullalvas Smari: - 




Smari's parents: - 

Yrar Garpur

Ullalvas Sota

Smari's Grandparents: - 

Floki fra Kolsholti


Iskristallens Spoi

Iskristallens Spoi

Ullalvas Sunna

Smari's Great Grandparents: -
Lagsi fra Hlid

Ulvdalens Drengur

Stelpa av Bjornli

Stelpa av Bjornli

And a Great Great Grandmother: - 
Tofta Doppa

Here is his BreedMate pedigree: - 
Smari's inbreeding score is 0.85% for five generations
Hips scores are included when known

I think his pups will do very good in the conformation ring. I'm anxiously awaiting pups from him with my own Ulfbehrta Kit soon. They should also be good in the performance/obedience rings. In my opinion his semen, his genes, are valuable for the future diversity of Icelandics. Breeders interested in producing puppies for the show rings (conformation and/or performance-obedience etc.) can contact me for reasonable rates for using his frozen semen and/or for his puppies: -

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