Wednesday, September 14, 2011


At last some down time to wander through the yard. (Click once or twice to enlarge photos - then use the arrow to return to posts.)

I know when fall has arrived by the kinds of flowers that appear in the garden even if the weather remains summer-like.

The first two photos show some Sedums called "Autumn Joy". Hello! What a great name. They are joyful. The bees love them. That's certainly a hint fall is here.

The third photo shows an old fashioned sedum whose name has been "lost".

Best of all are the white crane-like Cimicifugas - they look graceful and smell wonderful.

Turtle-heads are called that because the flowers look like pink turtle heads and they have appeared almost overnight.

Peeking our from beneath the morning glories I found some early Colchicums (sometimes called autumn crocus even though they are not crocuses).

Tryggur and Pila have trials coming up this weekend! I don't know about them but I'm already exhausted. Classes have started again at Sportsmens. We shocked students today by telling them that we are all unpaid volunteers. They thought we got paid! As if!!

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