Thursday, September 29, 2011

Peace, Perfect Peace

When Icelandics gather together you cannot be sure what will happen. It's best to capture the peaceful moments before (or after) they meet. There are sure to be noisy and friendly greetings with lots of barking, whining, tail-wagging, jumping, play-bows, circling, etc. The few quiet moments MUST be captured.

How can one tell when the moment is pure bliss? Look at their tails. These dogs all have great tails. They are only 'down' when they are totally relaxed; the rest of the time they are up in single curls, double curls, with korkur tips (3 of them), or with semi-circles (1). Some have tails like bottle brushes with short thick fur; others have long flowing fur.

This was one of those quiet moments, rather rare, I'm afraid.

Click once or twice to enlarge.

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