Saturday, September 24, 2016

And so -

Even though I've never met them and probably never will, I have found friends on facebook; one lives miles away near where I used to live and one lives in a different but also northern state.

Sunrise this morning.

I always think the garden is "at its peak", and it always surprises me by surpassing itself. "Il faut cultiver notre jardin." - a phrase which is probably not meant to be taken literally but which I do take literally and figuratively.

Some shots taken after yet another fantastic start to the day.

It is now officially autumn because the Colchicums have started their long march through the fall months. It's really hard for me to believe how many are here now. When I left Royal Oak I dug only one clump of each kind of Colchicum, leaving many clumps there. I divided those clumps I had dug when I planted them here. They have multiplied beyond my wildest expectations. I wonder sometimes what happen to the many more I left back in R.O.

I also bought wild flower seeds and threw them around the property outside the dog-fenced areas. They supplemented established plants. Many survived and flowered all summer. Clicking on photos enlarges them.

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