Friday, October 17, 2014

Books and Gardens

I thought everything I'd ordered had arrived and then this afternoon while the dogs and I were out walking, another delivery came. I have a nice arrangement with the USPS, UPS, and FedEx - they just put things in my garage. Of course I need to check for new arrivals there which I sometimes forget to do.

This apropos quote - also from E. von Arnim - Everybody must love something - I know of no objects of love that give such substantial and unfailing return as books and a garden.

I met Elizabeth when I read Enchanted April several years ago. She lead a very interesting life. Google her. I recently sent copies of that book to several friends - - who haven't commented on it yet. She helped me decide to move up north at an age when most of my peers are content to put on their slippers and sit in front of the fireplace (or TV). I do that too but not just that. It was also made into a movie, a great movie, out now on DVD. I want to read her Vera and Mr. Skeffington one day soon - probably during this long toasty winter!

So late this afternoon I planted - again - three rugosa roses (Hansa, Belle Pottevin, and Blanc Double de Coubert) and a Mock Orange (Bouquet Blanc). I realize that rugosa roses are very old fashioned and probably better varieties have been produced. However, I love their old fashioned fragrance. They also are rugged, covered with thorns, and disease resistant - no black spot. They seed themselves, an added bonus, even though the offspring are not true to their parents. Unfortunately the flowers are not good vase flowers; you must smell them in the garden.

My Grandma Harding had a few mock oranges around her back porch in Rosedale Park; their fragrance on summer evenings was delicious. So, now I have two "modern" mock oranges which hopefully have retained their fragrance with careful breeding.

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