Monday, August 18, 2014

Monday, August 18, 2014

David turns 3/4 of a century old today! I understand how he could be that old but how could he have a brother following closely in his aged-footsteps?

For Brian: -
Clicking on photos enlarges them.

I've been clearing out underbrush - mostly red-twig dogwood, maple-leaf viburnums, and choke cherries - in my north forest. Yesterday I noticed that the view through my north bedroom door-wall is also of Lake Huron.  Amazing. I don't think anyone noticed that over the past couple of years. Should I clear the forest out more in order to see the lake better or should I leave the trees and underbrush as they are to reduce winter winds? What a great decision to ponder. It may take a few years to decide! In the meantime, the north view of Lake Huron is elusive and, therefore, perhaps more enticing? Over the past few weeks I have planted about a dozen three or four year old spruce trees, mostly Norway spruce but also a couple of white and black spruce, in that forest. One day someone is going to really enjoy that forest! The "pine" smells will be wonderful, the habitat amazing, and the north woods feel terrific.

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